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Watch Ein Baby zum Verlieben (2004) Online Free Yesmovies Free Full Streaming 1080p

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Ein Baby zum Verlieben 2004

Ein Baby zum Verlieben (2004)

Original Title : Ein Baby zum Verlieben
Release : 2004-07-23
Rating : 5 by 1 users
Runtime : 90 min.
Genre : Comedy
Studio :
Country : Germany
Language : German
Keywords :
Tagline :
Stars : Anica Dobra, Bernhard Schir, Dieter Landuris, Katharina Müller-Elmau, Max Gertsch, Maren Kroymann

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Rent-a-baby Traffic policeman Leo Fink has two passions: Firstly the revolutionary programme he invented and developed which shall avoid any kind of traffic jam and secondly Vera Becker, head of the traffic guidance department. She, however, ignores him - at least until she sees him carrying a baby. Suddenly, the single woman, otherwise so cool, gets interested in Leo who, in turn, scents that this is his big chance. He is rather sure that he will be able to win her over to his side with the help of the baby and his pioneering plan against traffic jams which he wants to introduce to her in a presentation. But there is a small problem: Little Felix is not his son.

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